Sunday, September 27, 2009

growing up

half a year

Little miss Abby is six months old. I can't believe it.

She likes hugs and kisses, both getting them and giving them (though her "giving" a kiss is really more her licking your face and drooling all over you, but it's sweet nonetheless). She loves playing airplane with her Mommy and spaceship with her Daddy. She loves her Yankees, her Dolphins, her Gators and, most importantly, her Uga and, therefore, her Bulldawgs. She loves her Raffe and Ellie and has a new buddy (a Blue) that she thinks is fun to lick.

Anything and everything must be in her mouth, from stuffed animals to toys to kitty cat tails to Mommy's hand and Daddy's nose. Everything must go in her mouth -- except, that is, for peas. She likes her sweet potatoes and her carrots. She loves her green beans and her applesauce. She likes her peaches, especially when Mommy mixes them with oatmeal, and she thinks she likes this new "Pasta and Vegetable Medley" (it's a 2nd stage) thing that Mommy had her try last night. But she does not -- repeat, does not like peas. (Not that anyone can blame her on that one).

She thinks this apple juice in a cup thing might be worth trying. She's a pro at rolling over and she's starting to sit up on her own. She loves her books and her ball and her blocks and her elephants -- all four of them. She likes her playmat, her bouncy chair, her bouncer, her swing and her walker and she can't wait to be able to ride her zebra. She likes her crib. Scratch that -- she loves her new crib. (Mommy isn't complaining -- that crib saves Mommy's back!)

She does not like having a cold. She does not like coughing so bad it wakes her up. She does not like her throat hurting. She's not so sure about doctors.

She's almost sixteen pounds and I'm not sure how tall, but she's over two feet. She likes to stand up and she wants to walk but she just can't seem to figure out this whole balance thing. She's pretty sure crawling is for the weak and she wants to go straight to running. Not sure how well that'll go over.

She's really really strong.

She likes baths, or at least likes splashing in them. It's fun to see how wet she can get Mommy. She likes to play with her food and she just where she can manage to get it. (Carrots in the middle of her back. STILL not sure how she managed that one.) She likes her buddies at day care, but she loves it when Mommy comes to pick her up and play with her. She likes shopping with Mommy because everyone wants to talk to her.

She likes yard sales because people give her things.

She likes her kitty cat. She likes dogs, especially licky ones. She likes cords, controllers, remote controls, cameras, iPods, cell phones and anything that is in anyway electronic. She likes keys.

She loves money. Though she's not sure what to do with it once she gets it.

She likes being upside down every once in awhile. She likes mirror baby and picture baby.

She's not sure what to make of video baby.

She likes cuddles; she likes bottles; she likes Blue's Clues and she likes songs. She likes Puff the Magic Dragon and Stay Awake and Feed the Birds but her favorite is still Olde Newcastle Towne. She likes NCIS because Mommy does and she loves car rides.

She likes rain and storms as long as she's not out in them.

She loves people.

She's my girl, my world, my life and I don't know what I ever did without her.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

one of the hardest things i've ever done

So Lil Miss is in a habit of waking up a couple of times a night and then waking up for good between 4:30 and 5 in the morning. She does not sleep particularly well. This means that Mommy does not get good sleep and is pretty much always tired.

So today, as Stephanie and I were about to leave the office to take our lunches, her aunt Connie, who works nearby, called to ask if Steph wanted to go to lunch and they, in turn, asked if I wanted to go too. So we went to lunch and somehow we got to talking about the baby sleeping and me being tired.

And Connie told me how she had all three of her children sleeping through the night by two weeks of age. So we talked about it and I decided to try and see if I could maybe get Abby on a schedule and teach her to sleep through the night.

She said the biggest thing is for the baby to learn that, when they wake up in the dark, the best thing to do is go back to sleep. So this means that when they wake up in the middle of the night fussy, you let them be. She said sing to her, talk to her, rub her tummy, but do not pick her up, feed her or change her.

So I fed her dinner about 7:30 (another good suggestion I hadn't thought of -- I added a little rice cereal to her veggies and she LOVED it! She ate about two ounces of squash, two of green beans and four of formula) and then bathed her, changed her and put her to bed about 9:15. She slept pretty well and then woke up about 12:20.

Then I spent half an hour with her, rubbing her tummy and listening to her cry and singing to her and, most importantly, not picking her up. Just like Connie said she would, she cried for awhile and then fell back asleep without me ever picking her up. Right now I'm just waiting for a bit to make sure she's actually asleep and I don't need to go rub her tummy a little more.

I think that was one of the hardest things I've done in awhile. It's hard not to pick her up when she's fussy or crying but I can understand the concept and why I shouldn't, so I'm trying to stick with this. It's just a little hard.

I'm learning that being a Mommy is hard work. Much harder than people give us credit for.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

mommy = sleepy

Which is a very large part of why this has fallen off some and I am sorry. I'm going to work on getting better at that.

I'm working, still, a lot. I've been informed that pretty much, for the foreseeable future, I have a job. Stephanie has said that until David tells her they can't afford me (and she doesn't see that happening anytime soon), she's planning to keep me around. We work well together, I'm picking everything up very quickly and we're getting stuff out the door which is the most important part. Stuff going out the door means money coming in, you know? A lot of what David does is on contingency meaning that we need to get things out and get things settled to get paid.

But we're doing alright and I like it alot.

It does mean working a lot. A LOT. I leave home at 7:15ish in the morning and don't get home until 6:30 or later most nights. Means I have lots of hours, but it means I'm tired. I think Abby has realized that she doesn't see Mommy as much at night and that the best "Mommy time" she gets is in the morning, so she's started waking up very early again, usually before 5 every morning.

It's not bad, it just means that by the time I get home from work I'm been up at least thirteen hours and I'm tired. Cause Abby still wakes up in the middle of the night at least once to eat. But I don't mind. I like getting baby time and I'm taking all I can get, considering how much I'm away from her. I miss her when I'm away from her, but I know she's okay. She likes day care and has "buddies" there.

But I still miss her. I got so used to her being around that it feels so weird to not have her now.

But only one more day until the weekend and then only three days next week and then we get to go to the Farm! I can't wait.

I do worry that she'll wake people up at the Farm in the middle of the night. I just hope she's good!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

another milestone!

August 25, 2009

Abby is five months old today. Mommy cannot believe it.

She's getting very big. I don't know how much she weighs, but my guess would be over fourteen pounds. She still loves her formula but she also likes sweet potatos, green beans and squash. We're trying carrots and peas soon, but Mommy hasn't been able to face stomaching that smell yet. (Hey -- give me some credit -- I stomached the sweet potatos and squash!) She's not so sure about infant cereal -- she thinks she likes the veggies more. I've also found some "1st stage" meats, but I think I'm going to get her into fruits and used to those and veggies before I introduce meat pudding. Not quite ready to face that one yet.

She's eating like crazy recently; I think we're about to see another growth spurt. She's getting pretty tall. And she's incredibly strong. She stands with very little help (just for balance and a little support) and she has one of those jumper seats that you hang in the doorway and her feet touch the ground, so she can bounce herself.

Her baby sitter has a standing playcenter thing (I have no clue what to call it cause it's not really a walker) and Abby seems to like that. Her feet just touch the bottom, but it seems to make her feel like a big girl. She likes to watch the "big kids" there playing and dancing and seems to want to do the same. She started trying to crawl too -- I think she saw the other baby crawling and thinks it might not look like a bad idea.

She's a chatter box. She talks like crazy. She babbles and coos and just recently started really laughing. It's a great great sound.

Mommy's been working a lot the past few weeks. I worked fifty hours last week and over thirty five the week before. Looks like I'll be pushing thirty five hours this week probably, and that's with taking today off to take Abby to get her shots and get WIC transferred from Key West. I'm still looking for a permanent and better paying job but, for the moment, it looks like I'll be able to work pretty much as much as I want to for awhile at least. Still keep your fingers crossed that something more permanent comes through though. But like I said, Mommy's been working a lot and Abby's gone back to getting up between 4:30 and 5 am. Mommy? Is exhausted and going to sleep here very soon. I'm looking forward to the day she decides to start sleeping through the night.

We're all three going to the Farm next week for part of Labor Day weekend -- this makes me VERY happy. I can't wait for Abby to meet her aunt and uncle and great grandma -- and I can't wait to see them either! You are not going to believe how big she is. It's amazing!

Oh, and there's new videos up on her site ( that you should all check out -- her babbling, rolling over, eating, all kinds of good stuff. Including her recent trick which is trying to steal the camera -- rather cute.

Mommy is sleepy. I go to bed now. I love you all!

my camera died and we couldn't find the charger for a week -- so i'm missing a week of pics

August 23, 2009 -- being just a happy happy little baby.

She played herself out -- she fell fast asleep on her playmat and I just let her stay there because I was worried she'd wake up if I moved her.

Helping Daddy play football -- she did pretty good too.

August 24, 2009 -- best $6 we ever spent was on that bouncer at the flea market. She loves it.

Yeah...........she likes hair.

My cute, sweet little angel.

At Walmart with Mommy this afternoon. She sleeps through shopping. I'm not sure how she could possibly be my daughter. (c:


August 13, 2009 -- trying to grab Daddy's nose. She's very grabby.

She wants the camera. She REALLY wants the camera.

August 15, 2009 -- She is FASCINATED by Daddy's XBox controller.

Trying to help!

I love this picture. First of all, she's standing, even if just for a few seconds, pretty well on her own. Second? She looks like she's trying to rap or something. It's just too cute!

She loves her naked baby time!

Grabbing at Daddy's nose again.

My little Yankees fans.

August 16, 2009 -- playing with Mommy's phone. She loves that, the camera and Daddy's controller.

Playing with her feet. She can't quite get them in her mouth yet, but I'm sure it'll get there soon!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Family picture

The only picture I have of all three of us. I think it's kind of cute.

August pictures

August 1, 2009 -- playing with the birdie on her new playmat (Mommy. Loves. Big Lots).

August 2, 2009 -- hugging Mommy's arm with both her hands and, though you can't really tell, both her legs. I didn't get my hand back for like ten minutes.

August 3, 2009 -- playing bouncy with Daddy.

August 4, 3009 -- playing with her spinny toy. She's fascinated by that thing.

August 5, 2009 -- sleeping in the back of the new truck. She is loving the AC in that car.

August 6, 2009 -- wearing her Daddy's Yankees cap before the first time Daddy got to watch his team in HD. Abby loves her Yankees (I think she has a crush on Joba Chamberlain)

Trying to eat Mommy's hand. She does that. A lot.

August 7, 2009 -- having too much fun playing with her awesome playmat to even think about paying attention to Mommy.

Talking (and talking and talking and talking) to Mommy about something or other. That child is a chatter box!

August 8, 2009 -- laughing and all around being a happy girl.

My giggle goose.

August 9, 2009 -- holding her own bottle. She can only hold it for a few seconds at a time, but she's trying already. I'm pretty impressed with her.

August 10, 2009 -- playing with her babysitters across the yard. She loves those girls and is apparently a perfect angel for them. They've "fallen in love" with her.

August 11, 2009 -- again with her baby sitters and mugging for the camera. Such a little ham!

End of July photos

July 24, 2009 - cooing and giggling at the camera while Mommy tries to pack up the old apartment.

July 25, 2009 -- playing with her rattle -- at like five in the morning. Our little Abby is an early bird.

July 26, 2009 -- sleeping in the hotel with her big brother. It was too cute!

July 27, 2009 -- SO happy to have her Daddy back and feeling well! She was gloating like crazy.

July 29, 2009 -- playing on the floor in her new apartment. She thinks she might like it.

July 30, 2009 -- her first experience with rice cereal and "big girl" food!

She knows SOMETHING good must be coming!

Not so sure about this stuff, Momma..... (she likes sweet potatos more than the cereal)

July 31, 2009 -- snuggle bunny sleeping. It's so hard to put her down when she gets snuggly like that!

Getting kisses from her Daddy!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

i know, i know

I know. I'm a slacker. It's just been a bit crazy and such since we moved!

So Jimmy got to Key West July 24th (a Friday) and wasn't feeling great. We went to get the U-Haul after picking him up and by the time we got home, he was pretty sick. He slept all night Friday and a good bit of the day Saturday, while I finished packing up the house. We packed the truck Saturday evening (Lauren and Billy came by to help with the big stuff) and we were on the road by eleven pm.

Jimmy started to feel sick as we were heading out of the Keys, so we stopped in Florida City for a few days and stayed in a hotel there to let him get better. We left there late Monday evening and got the Port Orange very early Tuesday morning. We slept then unpacked and returned the truck.

Abby traveled pretty well, though it helped that most of the major driving we did was while she was asleep. Zeus actually traveled better than I had anticipated. Every once in awhile he would meow to let us know he was there, but I think he slept most of the time.

I love the new apartment. I've gotten the living room completely put together and I'm gotten the kitchen pretty much done. I even have a washer and dryer in there -- I am LOVING that. It's a 110V instead of 220, so it takes a little longer to dry things, but it's better than having to drag things to the laundromat! And I can do things as I have time -- a load here, a load there -- while she's sleeping or whenever I have a chance. It's wonderful.

Our bedroom isn't finished and I've unpacked most of Abby's stuff, but I'm still working on her clothes. But it's coming along! Jimmy's worked all but two days since he got better, so unpacking takes back burner to Abby most days.

I've had a few interviews. There was one full time position I was really hoping I would get, but I didn't sadly. But it's okay. I did get a temporary one that's at least something while I look for something more permanent. (Long story short: Attorney broke from his firm and went solo, but his assistant (the only one who went with him) is going on vacation the 17th and it can't be changed. He needs someone to fill in for that week. I'm working half days next week, full days the week after and we'll see from there.) There's one attorney who said he'd be calling for interviews late this week that I'm really really hoping for, but we'll see. I'll keep y'all posted.

Abby likes it here. Directly across from us live two early teen girls -- Courtney is twelve and Amber is probably thirteen. They have simply fallen in love with Abby. They come over to say hi every day and often when I'm going somewhere if they're outside, they'll ask if I want them to look after her. Usually I say I'm good, but a few times they've kept her for me (interviews, and one afternoon they took her and played with her while I unpacked her room). They're keeping her for me next week and then the week after she is going to a local woman who does day care in her home (next week is her vacation week or Abby would be going there then too). Abby is very happy and seems to have lots of fun playing with Courtney and Amber. I think she just loves the fact that they all adore her over there and, since they only have her small amounts of time, they all focus solely on her and she has their undivided attention. Sometimes Mommy has other things she needs to be doing and can't focus completely on the baby (I feel bad about it but, you know, that's the way it is!).

She's getting big. She's got to be close to fourteen pounds. She's also a pro at rolling over now -- she's been pretty good at going from her tummy to her back, but just in the past couple of days, she's started rolling from her back to her tummy. She's also started on food, which is very interesting. Abby learning to eat is quite the process. She'll eat rice cereal but she isn't sure she likes it. So I tried another veggie, to see if it was the eating she didn't like or the specific food she didn't like. So we tried sweet potatos.

She thinks she likes those.

She still doesn't like the spoon in her mouth so much, but she likes what comes off the spoon, so she's dealing with it. It's cute.

She's also started grinning really big and getting really excited when I start singing to her. I'm not sure why, but I guess she just really likes it, huh? She's very cute about it and it just makes my day when she does it!

So basically, I like it much better up here. I'll feel much more comfortable when I have something more permanent in place job wise but for now, it's okay. The job market and opportunities up here are ten fold as compared to Key West.

I think this might work.

P.S. Camera battery is charging. New pictures and videos tomorrow -- I promise!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

last day and daddy's here!

Daddy got home last night. We met his bus at the airport and then went to pick up the U-Haul. Abby was very excited to see him and definitely knows and remembers who he is. Then we had to spend over an hour at the UHaul place getting the truck -- with Jimmy not feeling to well and Abby already grumpy. That wasn't fun.

So now, I'm packing what I can in the truck today while Jimmy sleeps. We're going to try and leave about 8 or 9 so that we can drive mostly in the dark when there aren't as many cars on the road and it won't be as hot and horrible. I'm excited to be leaving Key West, though I am nervous. I just wish I could have had a job before I got up there. I don't like being without a job. But I'll find something. I'm sure. That's just how I have to think about it.

We're going to be without internet until sometime on Tuesday, so I'll post more up then. I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on. We miss you all and I'll let you know how everything goes!